Thursday, December 14, 2006

Corporate blogging caught red-handed

This blog, called AllIwantforXmasisaPSP, was an attempt by Sony to generate some kind of faux-viral marketing. Obviously, they pissed off the genuine bloggers and would-be consumers along the way. Whoops! At least they made an apology, though I doubt they'll get much more traffic in the future.

There have been successful corp-born viral marketing efforts, like Microsoft initiated this webpage to promote Halo 2 shortly before its release a few years ago. Irreverent and engaging, it quickly became a meme and spread like wildfire. A Wikipedia article on the site actually does a pretty good job of explaining it, but nonethelesss it's fun to click around since ALL the links work, even the 'bee' related ones in the background.

Know this is all after-the-fact, but I'm kind of into this stuff. I used to be a closet nerd, and now I've been outed.

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