Monday, November 06, 2006


Digging around for some random funny blogs, I also encountered some really, horrible, gutwrenching ones. I know that's such a tease, but I'm not going to link because I think they should be left with as little attention as possible. Think generally, cruelty to animals, rape, racism, ransom.

This is why I turn to traditional media outlets more than blogs in order to get my fill of the outside world. I'm not going to have to see concoctions like that. There are regulations. Yes, I know in a way I am limiting my information intake, and that will give me a skewed world view yada yada. Is it really wrong to self-filter like that? Am I doing a disservice to the community in general if I do not address the very real (and frightening) potential of some of my peers?

What the internet as a whole, and the blogosphere in particular, have done, is make the circulation of such material a popular way of garnering attention. Dealing with it puts you between a rock and a hard place. Incendiary material of this nature doesn't deserve to be pushed into the limelight, but how do you make people care enough to get to the root of it without that attention? Or should you just let it lie and hope people have enough good sense to ignore it?

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